A little more about me
Hi there! My name is Katie and I am a Certified Life Coach that’s dedicated to helping you reach your full potential so that you can lead a happy, successful and extraordinary life. My passion is to help my clients succeed in every avenue in their life, while coaching and cheering you on at every step of the way. So, let me tell you a bit about myself. I grew up in Toronto, Canada with my mom and dad, along with my two older brothers and lovely dogs and cats. I began dancing at the age of 3-years-old, and loved competing in ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, and acrobatics.
My dance studio was my second home, and I’ve made some amazing life-long friends. I knew that dance was not my future, and became so interested in the mind and psyche, questioning why people do what they do, how our brains work, and psychology in general. Therefore, I just had to study it! I studied at Ryerson University where I obtained by Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and then went on to do my Master of Science degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of Liverpool. I knew there was something else I wanted to study, and after some deep reflection, I realized it was Life Coaching. This was my passion and my calling, and soon enough, I obtained two certificates in Life Coaching.
Life Coaching is exciting for me because I love watching my clients grow and become the successful, empowered, and positively transformed people they were meant to be. Seeing your success and increased awareness, acceptance, and goal-oriented self will give you that confidence boost to simply shine in all areas of your life.
When I'm not coaching or working, I love to be with my loved ones, playing with my pets, exercising (strength training, running, boxing and F45 classes are my favourite), traveling all over and indulging in new experiences. I also love volunteering. I have volunteered with the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto for several years in the past, and more recently, have volunteered at Elizabeth Fry Society of Toronto, where I have had a few roles within the organization. In addition to offering Life Coaching sessions for the participants in the My Start-Up entrepreneurial program at Elizabeth Fry, I also was a Court Support Worker at a courthouse in Toronto, as well as a Talk & Listen volunteer. I have worked in several fields as well which has helped me gain experience in different roles and help others understand their career paths and passions. I have worked as a Director of Client Care and Office Manager at a psychology clinic, I've worked with victims and witnesses of crime at a courthouse in Toronto, and have also worked with vulnerably housed and homeless individuals with multiple complex needs and disadvantage. It's all been amazing experience that has shaped my abilities today in working with people in my coaching practice.
In addition to all of the above, I have had the absolute pleasure and honour to be an invited guest speaker for several organizations and institutions. I have hosted workshops and discussions on various topics for places such as: University of Toronto, TD Bank, Elmwood Spa, Elizabeth Fry Toronto. I've also been a guest on podcasts discussing topics such as happiness, reconnecting with yourself and values.
UPDATE: In January of 2021 I moved over to England to begin a new journey with my partner and kitties. I moved in an interesting time and the height of the pandemic when cases were soaring here in the UK. It's been a time of growth and moving outside of my comfort zone big time, but I'm happy I made the leap and I've learned so much about myself and the world around me so far as I explore new avenues of work. I'm excited to be able to work with new clients in a new city while also working with my Canadian clients.
Check out my KD Life Coaching Blog to learn more about my story, why I got into life coaching, my volunteer experience, as well as many tips for living your best life!